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1909 - 1909 Kitchen - 1909 Pencil And Scalloped Chalk - Dressers - 1210mm High - 1-drawer

We Won't Be BEATEN On Price

1909 Pencil And Scalloped

1909 Pencil And Scalloped Chalk

PWS 1909 Painted & Beaded InFrame Kitchen - In-Frame Painted Shaker Timber Frame Veneer Centre Panel Door - Curves and many accessories available - Replacement panels recommended - This is part of our bespoke painted range - Great quality rigid DIY kitchen units

Cabinet Colours Available



* = Recommended Cabinet



Cabinet Colour:


Choose your Dressers - 1210mm High - 1-drawer

PhotoProductCode  PriceQty
1210mm High Worktop Dresser (for 720 high system)
Height: 1,210mm
Width: 500mm
Depth: 300mm


1210mm High Worktop Dresser (for 720 high system)
Height: 1,210mm
Width: 500mm
Depth: 300mm




Qty    0

*Please note door and drawer sizes shown will vary per range. The sizes shown above are generic. Contact us if you have any queries regarding sizes.